What Is An Execution Only Service In Stockbroking?

Execution only dealing is ideal if you’re looking to take advantage of the knowledge of markets and liquidity that our dealers have here at Hedley & Co, whilst being able to maintain full independence and responsibility for your trades.
Execution only dealing doesn’t require specific investment advice but it does require a high level of service from our team. And consistent communications with all our clients is something we pride ourselves on.
But before you agree to anything, you should go into it with full knowledge of the service. So, what is an execution only service in stockbroking?
What Is Execution-Only?
Sometimes also known as agency only, execution only services are mostly, predominantly, internet- or telephone- based. This trading service is restricted only to the execution of trades. No clients receive advice about trades – nor the merits or suitability or risks of investments.
This is why they are most suitable to experienced investors; those who are already aware of both the risk and reward of investments.
Understanding Execution-Only
The way that Hedley & Co’s execution-only service operates is through using nominee accounts. So the client’s investments will be registered in the name of our Custodian but the client remains the beneficial owner.
While the brokerage (via our Custodian) – that’s us – will handle all of the documentation regarding the buying and selling of securities, we also collect and deposit dividends into the client’s account. Any information that needs action taken by the shareholder directly will be sent straight to the client.
How Our Service Works
If you’re one of our Execution Only clients, you pay an annual nominee fee and commission for the trades executed. Our clients pay this commission rather than any management fee because you are in controlof administering your own portfolio.
From us, Hedley & Co., you can always expect a broker on the other end of the line, working orders throughout the day. A broker who will have a thoughtful approach to dealing, who will take your trading objectives into account.
Who We Help
Individuals are offered multiple dealing and investment management services which aims to assist you with achieving their investment objectives. These services can be personalised and ensure that our advice is not only specialised for each service but also tailored specifically to your financial objectives.
Our approach toward charity investment is a strategy that is clear and suitable but is built upon the relationship between charity and investment manager. Trustees have a multitude of responsibilities, we understand that, and they need to have access to professional advice in order for the charity to succeed in meeting its objectives.
Trusts & Estates
Prioritising the objectives of the beneficiary is one of the most important things for every investment portfolio.
The investment managers here at Hedley & Co work with the the trustees to ensure that the trust deed and Will is being followed.
Pension Schemes and Corporates
We can act on behalf of institutions, through a SSAS or through opening a Corporate Account. Trust our professional advisers to manage your Institutions Investment Strategy day-to-day.
Hedley & Co
We are completely focused on sourcing investment solutions for our clients that are right for them. Using the latest investment research and insights is how we have built such a strong track record for our clients.
With a personalised approach, we can listen to clients’ specific requirements in order to tailor our services to you. Hedley & Co can help you manage and make sense of the shares and investments you have, ones that you may have been left by a loved one.
We’ll be with you through every step to offer advice, helping you make the right decisions now and for future investments. We just want to help you by taking the pressure off – we know how complex and challenging investing can be.
Contact Us Today
To find out more about us or our services, just get in touch. Or you could just book a free consultation – we’ll be in touch as soon as possible to arrange it once you’ve submitted your details.
Reach out to us on 01254 699333 or 01772 887880. Alternatively, you can send a message to our inbox viainfo@hedleyandco.co.uk.
Book a free consultation
Please fill in your details to book an initial consultation with one of our investment experts.
How it works:
We offer a free no obligation consultation where we can discuss what investment options are open to you and explain how we can help you with your financial future.
- One of our investment managers will be in touch over the phone or via email.
- We will answer any questions you have about investing and explain the benefits of our service at Hedley & Co.
Once you have submitted the form with your details we will be in touch to arrange your free consultation.